Hi from Poland.

This part of the forum is for english language only :-) of course about our favorite bike
Příspěvky: 2
Registrován: sob led 08, 2011 10:40 am

Hi from Poland.

Příspěvek od Bartas »

Hi, my name is Bartas. I have this ST : http://picasaweb.google.com/bartekszam2 ... 3624142722.
I have written this topic here, becase I dont understand Yours language :)
BTW my friend Pawel is making all accesories for ST: gmole, stopki centralne, stelaże (Sturzbugel, Koffertrafer, Hauptstande):

I know, that a few users want to buy something like that, so I made this topic right here.
Haupstander is for 350 PLN 87,5e, komplete koffertrager 370PLN- 92,5e, sturzbugel mediium 290PLN- 72,5e and big sturzbugel 85e. If someone want to see photos of all this elements, write please PM for me or contakt to bartekszam@o2.pl.
All this elements my friend is making for XTZ 660 too.
Prices are calculated- 1e=4PLN.
See You on the next PL-CZ-SK meeting!
Site Admin
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Registrován: stř led 31, 2007 8:19 am
Bydliště: Praha humna

Re: Hi from Poland.

Příspěvek od jenik »

Bartas píše:Hi, my name is Bartas. I have this ST : http://picasaweb.google.com/bartekszam2 ... 3624142722.
I have written this topic here, becase I dont understand Yours language :)
BTW my friend Pawel is making all accesories for ST: gmole, stopki centralne, stelaże (Sturzbugel, Koffertrafer, Hauptstande):

I know, that a few users want to buy something like that, so I made this topic right here.
Haupstander is for 350 PLN 87,5e, komplete koffertrager 370PLN- 92,5e, sturzbugel mediium 290PLN- 72,5e and big sturzbugel 85e. If someone want to see photos of all this elements, write please PM for me or contakt to bartekszam@o2.pl.
All this elements my friend is making for XTZ 660 too.
Prices are calculated- 1e=4PLN.
See You on the next PL-CZ-SK meeting!

Hi Bartas,

Im really glad have another Tenere friend and will try translate your offer into the czech language... do you have the haupstander pictures? Im looking for the spring for "hauptstander". Thx

kolega nabizi tyto vyrobene veci, ktere vidite v linkach:
- centralni stojan - 87,5EURO - 2188,-CZK
- kompletni konstrukce na kufry - 92,5EURO - 2312,-CZK
- padaky - stredni - 72,5EURO - 1812,-CZK , velke - 85EURO - 2125,-CZK
Jeník - Boh dažďa - na počest Sinnera
Nepište mi SZ s prosbou o radu, pokud to není důvěrné :), ale nahoďte nové téma. Ti,kteří neposlali ani korunu na provoz fora a ničím tady nepřispívají (čtenáři),tak by se měli zamyslet,jestli to není trapný.
Příspěvky: 2
Registrován: sob led 08, 2011 10:40 am

Re: Hi from Poland.

Příspěvek od Bartas »

Hi Jenik. Yes I have pictures:

http://picasaweb.google.com/bartekszam2 ... ocked=true#

and here is new centralni stojan:


Thx for translate my offer.

There is one more thing, alternativ for scottoiler- polish product motooiler. In link You can see chain after ca 800km, working with this thing.
This offer is in German forum too.